Signs You’re A Gamer: 5 Obvious Picks

Image Credit: Alex Haney from Unsplash.

Video games are enjoyed by countless people around the world. While some only play them every once in a while, others spend hundreds of hours on them every month. Though there’s nothing wrong with either approach, you could argue that one’s more of a gamer than the other.

However, this might not be the case. There could be multiple signs that you’re a gamer, and the amount of hours you put into it every week may not necessarily be the deciding factor. Some people don’t have the time to play regularly, for example.

Instead, here are five notable signs that you’re a gamer. Let’s take a look at each of them.

1. The Songs Get STUCK IN YOUR HEAD!

We’ve all encountered an abundance of music in video games before, ranging from background music to theme songs and epic rock ballads like in Alan Wake II. And while not all of these tracks are always memorable, quite a few of them are. There’s a reason why video game soundtracks have become so popular, after all.

You wouldn’t just listen to these, though. Chances are you already know a variety of tunes and you could hum them with ease on the regular. You might even do it when you’re not actively playing the game or listening to its soundtrack. Another notable sign you’re a gamer if you catch yourself doing this quite often.

2. You’ve Watched Let’s Plays

Let’s Play videos have become more and more popular in recent years; being an entertaining way to find out more about a game before you buy it. Quite a few people use them purely for research when they’re considering particular titles. Whereas others simply look to them as another form of gaming-related entertainment.

You’ll even have go-to specific content creators you follow for this, if you really enjoy watching them. Countless channels have been established specifically for this, with some even focusing on just one or two franchises each. All that’s needed to find them is a simple YouTube search and away you go!

3. You Have The Merch

More and more video game merchandise has been released over the past few decades than ever before. At this point, you’re not likely to see a major video game release without some related merchandise in tow. When Hogwarts Legacy was announced, for example, you could have found more than a few Harry Potter-related merchandise from Quizzic Alley.

You wouldn’t just be aware of this, but you’d have actively bought quite a bit of merchandise. Ranging from miniatures to branded clothes, cookbooks… and love potions, of course! Even if you just have a few bits and pieces, it’s one of the more notable signs that you’re a gamer.

4. You’ve Been Emotionally Attached To The Game

While not all games are packed full of emotional gut punches, a good chunk of them are. Gamers have gotten emotionally connected to games they’ve been playing for as long as video games have been around. So you’re definitely a gamer if this has happened to you, and it certainly could’ve have happened more than a few times.

Who hasn’t gotten sentimental during Dom’s sacrifice in Gears of War 3? Or at the culmination of Kratos and Atreus’ father-son relationship in God of War Ragnarök? These are far from the only examples gamers can come up with, and I’m sure you’ll have more than a few personal examples yourself. Albeit, with how much more emotional and intricately acted games are starting to become, this’ll most definitely keep happening.

5. You Listen To Gaming Theories

Countless theories abound about video games, with some of these having more of a basis in reality than the rest. You needn’t look beyond the theorized war in the Pokémon universe to see that. More than a few others would’ve come to mind, and you could’ve even believed a few of them.

Add in the fact that some publishers and developers have intentionally added fuel to the fire with some video game theories, and it’s easy to see why they’re so popular. There’s a decent chance you’ve not only come across many of them, but you might’ve even helped spread them around. If so, it’s another sign you’re a bonafide gamer.

Wrapping Up

Quite a few people think the amount of time someone spends gaming is one of the most important signs that you’re a gamer. And while there’s some logic to that, it’s far from the be all, end all of it. Some people just don’t have the time to play as much as they’d want, for instance—and that’s completely fair!

There are certainly more than a few other signs you’re a gamer, each of which could seem more notable than the others. They appear hand-in-hand with gaming and they become more and more obvious over time. Ultimately, it’s worth focusing on these aspects rather than just the hours upon hours spent gaming.

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