Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Review – MUCH BETTER THAN EXPECTED!

There is no denying that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has seen significant backlash, especially since the release of various outlets’ previews. As a result, the game has gained a significant amount of negative attention before it was even released. The question is, is Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League really that bad?

Well, the short answer is, no! And here’s why:

Check out our 60 second review of Kill the Justice League here!

The Hilarious Narrative

From the offset, it’s obvious that Kill the Justice League is going to be a hilarious affair. Focusing on Harley Quinn, King Shark, Deadshot and the team’s comic relief Captain Boomerang, the narrative’s take on the villains becoming heroes trope is really interesting. It opens up a lot of opportunities to see the darker side of some of DC’s most popular heroes.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Captain Boomerang can be really savage!
Captain Boomerang can be really savage!

Experiencing being hunted by the Dark Knight is a strange and slightly terrifying experience, leading you to feel like any one of the enemies that you took down in the Arkham games. The dialogue between these four reluctant heroes is also really entertaining. The constant jokes and one liners provide a light hearted approach to the action, with Captain Boomerang especially never ceasing to have some sort of quip to hand out to any Justice League member that he comes across. I found that the balance between the darker moments and the humour really help make for a fascinating narrative!

Kill the Justice League’s Traversal May Take Some Getting Used To!

Admittedly, the gameplay does take a little bit to adjust to, but it is really fun! Combat feels really good and combining melee and ranged attacks is seamless. The amount of times you can get an enemy airborne and then quickly scope in to deal extra damage with your firearms makes for some really satisfying encounters. Each character also has a unique feel and style to them, which helps provide extra variety in the gameplay. There are definitely some cross overs in playstyle, mainly in what weapons certain characters can use. However, it feels great to be able to play as each member of the Suicide Squad. Especially because you can change characters on the fly! 

Combining melee and ranged attacks is seamless!

Now traversal is where things can feel slightly average at times. Some characters, such as Deadshot, are super easy to control and getting around Metropolis feels like a breeze. Harley Quinn on the other hand, who’s traversal style might seem akin to the Arkham series grapple gun, is actually quite awkward! Her traversal style feels much slower than the others, which can make getting from one mission to the next feel slightly laborious. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - The stunning city skyline

Some of the missions can be a little same-y. It would have been nice to see a bit more variety. I mean, there are only so many times that I would like to save five civilians whilst being under fire from surrounding enemies. But, like most co-op looter shooters, this is kind of expected and isn’t the worst thing to deal with. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s Visual Spectacle! 

The visual design in Kill the Justice League is exceptional! This rundown futuristic Metropolis looks stunning. I can’t count the amount of times that I have stopped traversing the environment just to get a sneaky snap of the city. The beautiful skyline mixed with gritty city streets is perfect for Kill the Justice League! Also, each character has been brought to life in a new way! And yes, I think Harley Quinn LOOKS GREAT! There is also a variety of cosmetics for each character, so you can pick what style most suits you!

  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - King Shark always tries to make a good first impression!
  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Deadshot's melee is still ranged...
  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Captain Boomerang was easily my favourite character to play as!
  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Each character feels great in combat!


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League accomplishes exactly what it set out to. It’s a fun adventure with a hilarious narrative. And that is all it needed to be! You get to be the villains and take down the heroes, and it’s awesome! I understand that many fans of the Arkham series would have liked to don the cowl again, but you can’t go into this game with that mindset. Kill the Justice League isn’t trying to be the next Arkham game, and if you are looking for that kind of experience, this game isn’t for you!

By Samuel InczeReviewed on PlayStation 5

8 - Great - The Beta Network


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a really entertaining experience. The interesting narrative features countless jokes and one-liners that will have you chuckling over and over again. Admittedly, the gameplay does take a little bit to adjust to, but it can be heaps of fun and chaining combos feels quite satisfying!

This game was reviewed using a download code provided by Warner Bros. Games. The Beta Network uses affiliate partnerships, however, this does not influence reviews or any other content published. The Beta Network may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links that are on the website.


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